'Closer' is a well written, superbly acted, visually exciting film, but no one should have to watch it twice. The story - of four people whose sex lives and lies overlap repeatedly - is so squirm-inducing, 'Closer' plays as the film version of walking in on your significant other in bed with the milkman.
It's hard to imagine who Mike Nichols had in mind as a target audience for this film - People already disgusted with love looking for validation? Married couples seeking a reason to fight? Teenagers who want to hear Julia Roberts describe the difference in taste between two men's ejaculate?
At times, the film's roots as a stage play show through, making for an awkward break from the reality that has been set up well elsewhere. There's also something deeply unsatisfying about the ending, though looking for satisfaction here is probably beside the point. Still, it's hard to give a negative rating to a film that gets under the skin so deeply. It does that so well that while I can't recommend it, I dare you to sit through it.
MAYBE SO (6/10)
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