What is a reviewer supposed to do with a film like ‘The Boondock Saints’? The acting is at times nearly unwatchable. The lapses in logic are unavoidable. The movie as a whole derives so much of its tone, attitude, and content from Quentin Tarantino that the man should sue. There is nothing more than a vigilante story here. No insights into the human condition. No character development. No brains.
And still – still - ‘The Boondock Saints’ makes for a vastly entertaining ride. Sure, it’s one bloodbath after another by two self-proclaimed superheroes, but those massacres are set up and carried out awfully well. Especially well done is a sequence in which we see an FBI agent hot on the Saints’ trail explain the events of a crime on set as the crime takes place. It’s potentially the only original thought here, and it pushes all the right buttons. Even that spell is soon broken, however, by the usually reliable Willem Dafoe, who proceeds to overact his way out of 1,000 paper bags.
As nutrition, ‘The Boondock Saints’ is like a bowl of Fruity Pebbles cereal. It may be cheap, easy, and bad for you, but it tastes really good going down. Just don’t try to live on this garbage.
MAYBE SO (6/10)
1 comment:
I would have to say that this reveiw is the best description of this movie I have ever read.
Everyone who has seen it loves it and will tell you their favorite scenes at a rapid pace.
The acting is terrible but you love the characters and find yourself recalling the sight of William is drag as a great moment in cinema.
Ireland's most famous actors, Billy Connolly is at his worst shooting up everything and yet, I do in fact own the dvd and recomend the movie to everone.
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