Ostensibly a comedy, A Dog’s Breakfast offers zero funny moments (though the actors at times seem to be pausing for a laugh track). It also neglects to develop its characters, fails to offer even a semblance of originality, and squanders any goodwill it manages to muster. Simply put, the movie seems to exist for the sole purpose of making any alternative to it look better.
See, there’s this guy who hates his sister’s fiancee, decides to kill him, then has to hide the body. Except he has no reason to hate the guy. He has no incentive to kill him. He doesn’t murder him but takes credit for the accident that kills him. Except the guy doesn’t seem to really be dead. And his sister doesn’t seem to care either way. And neither will you, see? But that’s okay because there are so gosh darn many jokes. Except they aren’t funny. At all.
A Dog’s Breakfast does feature a cute dog. He should fetch himself a better agent.
NO (1/10)
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